“Il motivo di una danza” - "The reason for a dance"
with Fabio Pusterla
Sometimes the movement of the dance is created from our daily gestures at work and from the words
that we pronounce mechanically the flight of imagination. Widen spaces and time, within which the
words become unpredictable movements, travel hints, memory, and the body tries to sing. Darkly in
the background resonates the violent voice of the world and of history, the buzz of the news; but the
background has become larger, more complex.
Here, the life of animals and that of men proceed in an identical flow, stirred by the wind of the ages;
the future burns in the present, in the hour in which existence is spent and renewed, resisting wear and
getting lost, without calculation or project, purely neglected.
Fabio Pusterla
A dancer in dialogue with poetry
Choreography and direction Tiziana Arnaboldi
Dancer Valentina Moar
Music and Sound Production Mauro Casappa
Production Teatro San Materno
Choreographic notes
Poetry, gesture and sound create enchantments and suspended atmospheres. Light suspensions,
sweet, heavy, angry, like a solemn game, deep longing for life.
Fabio Pusterla is a firm believer that simple gestures of our work give birth sometimes to a dance. One
dancer, now motionless, now driven by the flashes of hand gestures, of arms and accompanied by
tremors of unprecedented power, she emphasizes her presence in the blank. The abandonment to the
ground is to feel the pulse of emotions, or to give in to the wounds of illusions, flowers transformed
into piercing arrows. A solemn game, a ritual; perhaps to meet the reason for a dance.
Sound design, sounds of a carpentry, a sickle that cuts the grass, factory noises. These are the starting
points to work on. And then the poet’s voice, fragmented, rhythm, distant echo that sometimes backs
up, overlapping and in counterpoint to the reading. And the song of the dancer, a slight song that
moves away, gets lost in other rooms, to emphasize the memory. A contrast of lightness and power, the
limit of hearing of sounds and frequencies that are shaking the walls and bodies.
Video Edoardo Oppliger
copyright by Tiziana Arnaboldi
Azione, November 23, 2015
“ Il motivo della danza “
We witnessed a performance that urges our senses, where reasons are evoked by
words, the sound of sheets are sliding to the author's feet, looks are studied, briefly,
everything orchestrated so that verses were incarnated harmoniously and punctual
in the choreographic dimension of five danced stages.
An absolutely perfect dance, physical and delicate at the same time, shrouded in
"space buzz that tears you apart", what is contained in the poetry of Pusterla is
singing physicality, choreography, light and dark until "time swallows it".
Giorgio Thoeni