copyright by Tiziana Arnaboldi
photo Edoardo Oppliger
Azione 22nd of May 2018
Giorgio Thoeni
“ The photographic beauty of the Belgian artist is set free on the huge stage of the LAC in Lugano,
transforming the statuesque precision of the postures into a fascinating happening of contemporary dance. A large
audience and a lot of applause for Tiziana Arnaboldi with her excellent dancers.”
Corriere del Ticino 19th of May 2018
Laura Di Corcia
“ Stones that create sounds, that encourage the body to seek contact with the earth.
The etymology of the word poetry refers to the prospect of action and the stone exemplifies this dimension very well.
An fully horizontal dance, where the body of the great dancers seeks a magnetic contact with the earth.”
Il Grigioni italiano
Margherita Gervasoni
“ Each "painting" introduces the audience into a different emotional context evoking that spiritual part of the human
being. A continuous shift from light to shadow in tension due to the quest to understand the mystery: the audience is
more emotionally than rationally involved in this manifestation of energy, expressive and physical force that transforms
the scene into an energy field in which bodies, space, sound, movements, eye contact and hands form a single entity
aimed at expressing the inexpressible and making concrete the invisible.”
Corriere del Ticino 2018
Mauro Guindani
“… a sudden moment of darkness, then a miracle of life suddenly bursts onto the stage, making it vibrate with energy,
love, with truthful human sacrosanct beauty.
Thank you, Tiziana, for existing, and for continuing, against the tide, in your search for the truth.
Oltentagblatt Zeitung, 20 November 2009
Madeleine Schüpfer
“ Tiziana Arnaboldi opened the 14th Oltner Tanztage on Wednesday evening with choreography work “Volo Via -
Condannato libero”, fascinating the audience with a fantastic production. Further going even if perhaps it means
nowhere, is the display of this interesting and multi-layers evening of dance, presenting a richness in emotions and
background scenes. The most successful Swiss choreographer Tiziana Arnaboldi with her six talented dancers, three
women and three men, showed all her attitudes.
Dancers exhibited a type of dance of great strength. They enjoyed their movements, their lightness, their fastness in
changing roles, nevertheless provoking with temper, through language and rhythm or through bright breaks of
images, constantly urging us. “